Series Description:
“Limitless with Chris Hemsworth” is a documentary series on Disney+ hosted by actor Chris Hemsworth, known for his role as Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This series explores the concept of human potential and longevity through a variety of scientific research, wellness practices, and extreme physical challenges.
Throughout the series, Hemsworth engages in different activities and experiments designed to test and improve various aspects of physical and mental health. The goal is to understand how humans can live healthier, smarter, and longer lives. Each episode focuses on a specific theme, such as stress reduction, strength training, memory, and aging. The series is both educational and inspirational, providing insights into cutting-edge health and science topics, all while showcasing Hemsworth’s personal journey to push the boundaries of human performance.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2022
- Type of Series: Documentary
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Host: Chris Hemsworth
- Director: Kit Lynch Robinson
- Creator: Darren Aronofsky