Series Description:
“PB&J Otter” is an animated children’s television series that aired on the Disney Channel from 1998 to 2000. The show was created by Jim Jinkins, the same creator behind the popular animated series “Doug” and “Allegra’s Window.”
The series is set in the fictional lakeside community of Lake Hoohaw, where three otter siblings, Peanut, Butter, and Jelly (PB&J), live with their family. Each episode follows the daily adventures and challenges that the otter siblings face as they learn valuable life lessons about friendship, cooperation, problem-solving, and creativity.
The show’s themes revolve around the importance of communication, teamwork, and the joy of imaginative play. PB&J Otter often encounter dilemmas and conflicts that are relatable to young viewers, and they work together to find creative solutions while emphasizing the value of family and friendship.
The series features catchy songs and music that complement the episodes, enhancing the show’s appeal to young audiences. It incorporates elements of music and dance, encouraging children to sing along and participate in the fun.
“PB&J Otter” received praise for its positive messages, engaging characters, and colorful animation. It resonated with young viewers and their families, becoming a beloved part of the Disney Channel’s lineup during its original run.
Additional Details:
- Peanut Otter: Adam Rose
- Jelly Otter: Jenell Brook Slack
- Baby Butter Otter: Gina Marie Tortorici
- Opal Otter: Gwen Shepherd
- Ernest Otter: Chris Phillips
- Pinch Raccoon: Cody Pennes
- Scootch Raccoon: Cody Pennes
- Munchy Beaver: Chris Phillips
- Flick Duck: Eddie Korbich
- Ootsie and Bootsie Snootie: Eddie Korbich
- Mayor Jeff: Bruce Bayley Johnson
- Cap’n Crane: Chris Phillips
- Connie Crane: Jackie Hoffman
- Creator: Jim Jinkins
- Director: Jeff Buckland