Series Description:
“Pepper Ann” is an animated television series that aired on the ABC network in the United States from 1997 to 2000. The show was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and created by Sue Rose.
The series follows the life and adventures of Pepper Ann Pearson, a quirky and independent 12-year-old girl living in the fictional town of Hazelnut. The show delves into the challenges and experiences of adolescence, as Pepper Ann navigates middle school, friendships, family relationships, and the everyday ups and downs of being a preteen.
Pepper Ann is known for her strong-willed and imaginative personality, often creating elaborate fantasies and daydreams to cope with the challenges she faces in real life. The show features her interactions with her friends, including the artistic and sensitive Milo Kamalani and the athletic and overachieving Nicky Little, as well as her relationship with her older and more rebellious sister, Moose.
The series is recognized for its witty humor, relatable storytelling, and unique animation style that blends traditional 2D animation with cutout animation for Pepper Ann’s daydream sequences.
“Pepper Ann” was well-received by critics and audiences for its portrayal of the complexities of adolescence, as well as its positive messages about individuality, self-expression, and the importance of being true to oneself. It resonated with young viewers who could relate to Pepper Ann’s experiences and challenges as she navigated the often awkward and uncertain journey of growing up.
Additional Details:
- Pepper Ann Pearson: Kathleen Wilhoite
- Nicky Anais Little: Clea Lewis
- Milo Kamalani: Danny Cooksey
- Lydia Pearson: April Winchell
- Margaret Rose “Moose” Pearson: Pamela Segall
- Principal Hickey: Don Adams
- Janie Lilly Diggety: Susan Tolsky
- Jo Jo Diggety: Tino Insana
- Trinket St. Blair: Jenna von Oy
- Dieter Lederhosen: Jeff Bennett
- Cissy Rooney: Kath Soucie
- Tessa & Vanessa James: Cree Summer
- Craig Bean: Jeff Bennett