Series Description:
“Praise Petey” is an adult animated sitcom that premiered on Freeform on July 21, 2023. The series was created by Anna Drezen, known for her work as a former head writer on “Saturday Night Live.”
The show features the voice talents of Annie Murphy as Petra “Petey” St. Barts, a New York City “it” girl whose life takes an unexpected turn when she inherits her late father’s small-town cult. Determined to modernize the cult, Petey faces numerous challenges as she attempts to bring contemporary sensibilities to its unconventional traditions.
The ensemble cast includes John Cho as Bandit, Kiersey Clemons as Eliza, Amy Hill as Mae Mae, and Christine Baranski as Petey’s mother, White St. Barts. Despite its unique premise and notable cast, “Praise Petey” was canceled after one season in November 2023.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2023
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Freeform, Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Petey: Annie Murphy
- Bandit: John Cho
- Eliza: Kiersey Clemons
- Dad: Stephen Root
- Mae Mae: Amy Hill
- White: Christine Baranski
- Elder Amos: Kenan Thompson
- Creator: Anna Drezen
- Directors: Pere Merryman, Steven Chan, Megan Prazencia and Jeff Schuetze