
Last Updated on: December 26th, 2024

Series Description:

“PrankStars” is a hidden camera prank reality television series that aired on Disney Channel in 2011. The show was created by Disney Channel and hosted by Mitchel Musso, known for his role as Oliver Oken in the Disney Channel series “Hannah Montana.”

In “PrankStars,” celebrities team up with young fans to pull off pranks on unsuspecting individuals. Each episode features a different celebrity guest who goes incognito with the help of elaborate disguises and props. The celebrity and the young fan work together to plan and execute a prank on an unsuspecting target, such as a family member, friend, or teacher.

The pranks are lighthearted and meant to be fun and entertaining, with the ultimate goal of surprising and delighting the target. After the prank is revealed, the celebrities often spend time with the fans, playing games and engaging in activities, creating memorable and special experiences for the young participants.

The show aimed to provide a unique and interactive experience for young viewers by involving them in the pranks and bringing their favorite celebrities directly to them. “PrankStars” combined humor, surprise, and heartwarming interactions between the celebrities and their young fans.

Additional Details:

  • Year of Debut:
  • Year of Finale: 2011
  • Type of Series: Reality
  • TV Channel/Platform: The Disney Channel
  • IMDB Link

Show Trailer:

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About the Author

Craig Smith
I am founder and editor of My passion for all things Disney goes pretty far back to my first trip to Walt Disney World in the mid-80's. I have since returned to the magical place more than 20 times. I started this site when I came to the realization that I spent a significant portion of my day reading articles about Disney and watching Disney content with my 8-year old, so it made sense that I would start sharing some of what I read and see and building a little community around it. Other interests include 80's nostalgia, vintage toys, video games, LEGO, Star Wars and tech gadgets. Other site isDMR.