
Last Updated on: December 26th, 2024

Series Description:

Rupert (Playhouse Disney Show)

“Rupert” is an animated television series based on the popular children’s comic strip “Rupert Bear,” created by Mary Tourtel. The show originally aired in the 1990s and has been produced by several animation studios, including Nelvana and Ellipse Animation.

The series follows the adventures of Rupert Bear, a friendly and adventurous young bear who lives in the fictional town of Nutwood. Rupert is known for wearing his iconic red sweater and yellow scarf. He embarks on various imaginative and fantastical journeys, often exploring magical lands, encountering mythical creatures, and solving mysteries.

In each episode, Rupert is joined by his friends, including Bill Badger, Pong Ping, and Edward Trunk, as they encounter various challenges and face the mischievous intentions of characters like Raggety, the mischievous crow. The show’s episodes often emphasize themes of friendship, teamwork, and the value of curiosity and imagination.

“Rupert” is known for its charming and colorful animation style, which captures the whimsical and nostalgic feel of the original comic strip. The show has a gentle and family-friendly tone, making it suitable for young audiences.

The character of Rupert Bear has a long history, with the original comic strip dating back to the 1920s. The animated series brings the beloved character to life for a new generation of viewers, introducing them to Rupert’s delightful and enchanting world.

Additional Details:

  • Year of Debut:
  • Year of Finale: 2001
  • Type of Series: Animated
  • TV Channel/Platform: Playhouse Disney
  • IMDB Link


  • Ben Sandford and Julie Lemieux: Rupert Bear
  • Guy Bannerman: Mr. Bear
  • Lally Cadeau: Mrs. Bear
  • Valerie Boyle: Mrs. Bear
  • Torquil Campbell: Bill Badger
  • Hadley Kay: Podgy Pig
  • Keith White: Algy Pug
  • Oscar Hsu: Pong Ping
  • Stephanie Morgenstern: Tiger Lily
  • Wayne Robson: Sage of Um
  • Colin Fox: Professor
  • Chris Wiggins: Chinese Emperor, Chinese Conjuror, Captain Bill
  • Ho Chow: Tung Lai
  • Jeremy Ratchford: Botkin
  • Peter Wildman: Mr. Ribbons, Captain Sir
  • Dan Hennessey: Tom
  • Kristin LeMunyon: Clarice
  • Allen Stewart-Coates: Cedric Pig, Constable Growler
  • Keith Knight: Timid Snowman, Mr. Chimp, the Sandman
  • Rick Jones: Yum

Show Trailer:

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About the Author

Craig Smith
I am founder and editor of My passion for all things Disney goes pretty far back to my first trip to Walt Disney World in the mid-80's. I have since returned to the magical place more than 20 times. I started this site when I came to the realization that I spent a significant portion of my day reading articles about Disney and watching Disney content with my 8-year old, so it made sense that I would start sharing some of what I read and see and building a little community around it. Other interests include 80's nostalgia, vintage toys, video games, LEGO, Star Wars and tech gadgets. Other site isDMR.