Series Description:
“Star Wars: Visions” is an innovative anthology series from Disney and Lucasfilm that showcases a fresh and diverse cultural perspective on the Star Wars universe through the lens of several leading Japanese anime studios. Released on Disney+ in September 2021, the series consists of nine short films, each one crafted by a different studio with its unique style and storytelling approach.
Each episode of “Star Wars: Visions” is a standalone story that explores new characters and settings, allowing the creators to interpret the core themes of the Star Wars saga in various imaginative ways. The series embraces a wide range of anime styles, from traditional to avant-garde, and includes stories of ancient Jedi, dark Sith, familiar droids, and new heroics. This experimental and visually stunning approach offers viewers an entirely new way to experience the rich Star Wars mythology, emphasizing creative freedom and cultural fusion.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2021
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Hen Jin: Michael Sinterniklaas
- Gran: Neil Kaplan
- Villager: Adam Seitz
- Alien Guard: JP Karliak
- Imperial Officer: Kyle McCarley
- Jedi: Eva Kaminsky
- Homen: Patrick Seitz
- Master: Paul Nakauchi
- Boba Fett: Temuera Morrison
- Executive Producers: Jacqui Lopez, James Waugh, Josh Rimes, Justin Leach
- Producer: Kanako Shirasaki