Series Description:
“The Koala Brothers” is an animated children’s television series that originally aired from 2003 to 2007. It was produced by Spellbound Entertainment and distributed by Entertainment Rights. The show is targeted at preschool-aged children and features a mix of educational content and heartwarming stories.
The series is set in the Australian outback and follows the adventures of two koala brothers named Frank and Buster. They run a small, friendly post office located in the fictional town of “Lollypop Land.” Whenever someone in the outback needs help or has a problem, they can send a letter to the Koala Brothers, and Frank and Buster will do their best to assist.
Each episode typically revolves around the Koala Brothers receiving a letter, and they set off on a mission to help their friends in need. The show emphasizes problem-solving, cooperation, and kindness as the brothers work together to find solutions to various challenges faced by the other animals in the outback.
The Koala Brothers are joined by a cast of lovable and diverse characters, including Mitzi the possum, Ned the wombat, George the turtle, Penny the penguin, and many others. Each character brings their own unique personality and skills, adding to the show’s charm and appeal.
“The Koala Brothers” is known for its gentle storytelling, positive messages, and simple animation style. The show’s themes of friendship, community, and helping others make it an ideal choice for young children, teaching them important values in an engaging and entertaining way.
Additional Details:
- Frank and Archie: Keith Wickham
- Buster, Sammy and George: Rob Rackstraw
- Ned, Josie and Penny: Janet James
- Mitzi, Alice and Lolly: Lucinda Cowden
- Narrator: Jonathan Coleman