Series Description:
“The Magical World of Disney” is an anthology television series that aired on NBC from 1954 to 1961 and then on ABC from 1961 to 1981. The show was revived in 1986 as “The Disney Sunday Movie” and then again in 1988 as “The Magical World of Disney.”
The show featured a variety of family-friendly programming, including animated and live-action movies, short films, and documentaries. Many of the episodes were based on popular Disney properties, such as “Mary Poppins,” “The Love Bug,” and “The Parent Trap,” among others. The show also included behind-the-scenes looks at Disney theme parks and other attractions.
In addition to classic Disney content, the show also featured new programming produced specifically for the series, including made-for-TV movies and specials. The show was hosted by a variety of celebrities over the years, including Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, and Suzanne Somers.
“The Magical World of Disney” was a popular program and helped to further establish Disney as a major force in the entertainment industry. It remained on the air until 1990, after which Disney continued to produce TV movies and specials for various networks.
Additional Details:
- Narrator: Mark Elliot
- Host: Michael Eisner
- Creator: Walt Disney