Series Description:
“The Sunnyridge 3” is an upcoming animated comedy-mystery series set to premiere on Disney+ in 2025.
Created by British duo Stevie Gee and Essy May, the show follows three lifelong friends—Rose, Jeru, and Wayne—as they delve into peculiar occurrences at the Sunnyridge Mall, a quirky shopping center on the outskirts of suburban London.
Having spent much of their youth at the mall, the trio finds that this summer’s events are stranger than ever, prompting them to investigate various conspiracy theories. Their adventures lead them to explore possibilities ranging from werewolves and hauntings to robots and aliens, uncovering truths that are often more bizarre than their wildest imaginations. The series is produced by the award-winning UK animation studio Blink Industries, known for works like “Dead End: Paranormal Park” and “Love, Death & Robots,” in collaboration with global entertainment company Boat Rocker. The creative team includes director Liz Whittaker and head writer Jack Bernhardt, with executive producers Chapman Maddox, Jen Coatsworth, James Stevenson Bretton, Jon Rutherford, and Benjamin Lole overseeing the project.
“The Sunnyridge 3” promises a genre-blending experience filled with humor, mystery, and unexpected twists, appealing to audiences seeking an imaginative and entertaining adventure.
Additional Details:
- Year of Debut: 2025
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- Creators: Stevie Gee and Essy May
- Executive Producers: Chapman Maddox, Jen Coatsworth, James Stevenson Bretton, Jon Rutherford and Benjamin Lole
- Director: Liz Whittaker
No trailer available at this time.