Series Description:
“Uncle Samsik” is an upcoming South Korean drama series on Hulu, featuring renowned actor Song Kang-ho from “Parasite”.
Set in the 1960s, the series follows Kim San, a young idealist driven to improve his country’s fortunes during a time of significant social and political upheaval. This marks Song Kang-ho’s first foray into television.
The show is written and directed by Shin Yeon-shick and will premiere on May 15, 2024. It will initially release five episodes, followed by two episodes weekly until a three-part season finale.
Additional Details:
- Song Kang-ho: Park Doo-chil / Uncle Samsik
- Byun Yo-han: Kim San
- Lee Kyu-hyung: Kang Seong-min
- Jin Ki-joo: Joo Yeo-jin
- Seo Hyun-woo: Jung Han-min
- Director: Shin Yeon-shick