Series Description:
“Wander Over Yonder” is an animated television series that aired on Disney Channel and Disney XD from 2013 to 2016. The show was created by Craig McCracken, known for his work on other popular animated series like “The Powerpuff Girls” and “Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends.”
The series follows the adventures of Wander, an optimistic and carefree intergalactic traveler, and his loyal steed and best friend, Sylvia. Wander’s main goal is to spread happiness, help others, and explore the universe, while Sylvia is the more practical and level-headed companion who often has to reign in Wander’s impulsive nature.
Throughout the show, Wander and Sylvia encounter various planets, creatures, and eccentric characters. One of their recurring adversaries is Lord Hater, a self-proclaimed evil overlord who seeks to conquer the universe and is constantly thwarted by Wander’s cheerful interference.
The show is known for its imaginative and colorful animation, creative storytelling, and humor. It embraces themes of friendship, positivity, and the power of kindness, making it a heartwarming and entertaining watch for audiences of all ages.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2013
- Year of Finale: 2016
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: The Disney Channel
- IMDB Link
- Jack McBrayer: Wander
- April Winchell: Sylvia
- Keith Ferguson: Lord Hater
- Tom Kenny: Commander Peepers
Show Trailer:
Related News:
- ‘Wander Over Yonder’ Returns in August for Season 2, July 11, 2015