Series Description:
“Zenimation” is an animated series that premiered on Disney+ in May 2020. It is a unique and calming experience that takes viewers on a virtual journey through the beautiful and serene world of Disney animation.
The show is designed as a collection of short episodes, each ranging from a few minutes to around 10 minutes in length. It features scenes and sequences from various Disney animated films, including classics like “The Lion King,” “Frozen,” “Mulan,” “Moana,” “Beauty and the Beast,” and many more.
What sets “Zenimation” apart is its focus on the visuals and sounds of the Disney films, rather than traditional dialogue and plotlines. The series beautifully combines animation and sound design to create immersive and meditative experiences. The episodes are organized around themes like “Water,” “Cityscapes,” “Discovery,” and “Flight,” among others.
The show is intended to be a soothing and relaxing escape for viewers, providing a moment of peace and mindfulness through the beauty of Disney’s animation and music. It is a perfect watch for anyone seeking a moment of tranquility or a break from the fast-paced world.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2020
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Creator: David Bess
- Editor: David Bess
- Executive Producer: Amy Astley