“He’s a Tramp” is a song from the Disney animated film “Lady and the Tramp.” The film was released in 1955 and tells the story of a high-class Cocker Spaniel named Lady who falls in love with a streetwise stray mutt named Tramp.
The song “He’s a Tramp” is performed in the film by Peggy Lee, who also co-wrote the song with Sonny Burke. The song is sung by the film’s canine characters and describes Tramp’s carefree and adventurous lifestyle. The lyrics suggest that Tramp is a bit of a ladies’ man who is always on the move and doesn’t like to be tied down.
The song’s memorable melody and playful lyrics have made it a popular classic among Disney fans, and it has been covered by many artists over the years. Peggy Lee’s performance of “He’s a Tramp” in the film also helped establish her as a popular singer and performer in the 1950s.