“Horse with No Rider” is an instrumental track from Disney’s 2010 animated film Tangled, composed by Alan Menken. The piece is featured on the film’s official soundtrack, which was released on November 16, 2010.
In Tangled, the song accompanies a pivotal scene where Rapunzel and Flynn Rider are pursued by the palace guards. The composition effectively conveys the tension and urgency of the chase, enhancing the film’s dynamic storytelling.
Alan Menken, a renowned composer for Disney, crafted “Horse with No Rider” to reflect the film’s adventurous spirit. The track is characterized by its orchestral arrangement, featuring strings and percussion that drive the narrative forward. Its rhythmic intensity mirrors the escalating stakes of the pursuit, making it a standout piece in the film’s score.
The soundtrack, including “Horse with No Rider,” received critical acclaim for its musical excellence. The film’s score was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, highlighting Menken’s contribution to the film’s success.