“Proud of Your Boy” is a song from the stage adaptation of the Disney animated film “Aladdin“. The song was originally written for the film, but was ultimately cut from the final version. However, it was later reinstated and adapted for the stage production, where it has become one of the show’s most beloved and iconic musical numbers.
The song “Proud of Your Boy” is a touching and emotional ballad that is sung by the character Aladdin, as he apologizes to his deceased mother for the mistakes he has made and the disappointments he has caused. The lyrics express Aladdin’s desire to make his mother proud and to prove himself as a good and worthy son, despite the difficult circumstances of his life. The music is melodic and poignant, with a heartfelt and emotional melody that captures the emotion and sentiment of the song.
The song “Proud of Your Boy” has become a beloved and iconic part of the stage production of “Aladdin”, and is often remembered as one of the show’s most emotional and memorable musical moments. It is a testament to the power of Disney’s music and storytelling, and remains a popular and beloved part of the Disney canon.