“The Sailor’s Hornpipe” is a lively and traditional sea shanty featured in Disney’s 1951 animated film Alice in Wonderland. In the movie, the song is performed by the dodo bird during a whimsical scene where Alice, having consumed the “Drink Me” potion, floats in a bottle and encounters the dodo. The dodo enthusiastically sings about the joys of a sailor’s life, emphasizing the carefree and adventurous spirit of seafaring.
The song’s catchy melody and rhythmic lyrics capture the essence of maritime life, celebrating the freedom and excitement of the open sea. Its inclusion in Alice in Wonderland adds to the film’s eclectic mix of songs, each contributing to the whimsical and nonsensical atmosphere characteristic of the story.
Beyond its appearance in the film, “The Sailor’s Hornpipe” has been associated with various Disney productions. Notably, it appears in the “Disney’s Sing-Along Songs: Under the Sea” video, where it is presented as part of a medley with “Sailing, Sailing.” In this compilation, Ludwig Von Drake embarks on a cruise to find the Little Mermaid, with the song accompanying scenes from various Disney shorts and films.