“Tomorrow is Another Day” is a song from Disney’s 1977 animated film, The Rescuers. The song is composed by Carol Connors and Ayn Robbins and is performed by Shelby Flint, who also provides the voice for the character of the orphan girl, Penny. The song features a gentle and soothing melody, with a prominent use of a guitar and strings. The lyrics of the song encourage listeners to look forward to a brighter future and to remain hopeful, even in the face of adversity. The song is particularly significant in the context of the film, as it is played during a scene in which the main characters, Bernard and Bianca, comfort Penny, who is feeling discouraged and alone. The song helps to reinforce the film’s message of hope and resilience, and is a memorable and emotional part of The Rescuers soundtrack.
Listen to Tomorrow is Another Day (Song)
Additional Details
- Song Written By: Carol Connors and Ayn Robbins
- Song Performed By: Shelby Flint
- Year Released: 1977