“With a Flair” is a song from Disney’s 1971 film Bedknobs and Broomsticks, written by the Sherman Brothers, Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman. In the film, the character Professor Emelius Browne, portrayed by David Tomlinson, performs this number to entertain and deceive his customers. The song showcases Browne’s flamboyant and deceptive nature, highlighting his ability to captivate audiences with his charm and showmanship.
The lyrics emphasize that, despite his fraudulent activities, Browne’s success lies in his presentation and flair. He acknowledges that his audience is enamored with his performance, regardless of the authenticity of his magic. The catchy refrain, “As long as I do it with a flair,” underscores the importance of style and confidence in his cons.
Although “With a Flair” was written for the film, it was removed from the U.S. release. However, it remains a notable piece in the film’s soundtrack and has been performed by various artists, including the Walt Disney World Band and The Dapper Dans. The song’s playful lyrics and lively melody continue to captivate audiences, reflecting the whimsical and enchanting spirit of the film.