Club Villain is a special event that takes place at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, which is a theme park at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. The event is a dinner party-style experience that is held at the park’s Hollywood Hills Amphitheater. It is a special ticketed event, and it is themed around Disney Villains such as Maleficent, the Evil Queen, and Dr. Facilier. The event features a live stage show, a DJ, and the chance to meet and take photos with Disney Villains. Food, drinks and desserts are included in the event. The event began in 2015 and it was held periodically throughout the year.
At a Glance
- Disney Resort: Walt Disney World Resort
- Disney Park: Disney’s Hollywood Studios Info News and Attractions
- Attraction Type: Disney Restaurants, Extinct Disney Attractions
- Official Page
- Year Opened: 2016
- Location on Map