“Jimmy Starr’s Show Business Souvenirs” was a former retail establishment at Disneyland in California. It operated from 1956 to 1959 and was located on Main Street, U.S.A.
Jimmy Starr’s Show Business Souvenirs offered guests a variety of merchandise related to the entertainment industry. The shop specialized in items that celebrated the glamour and excitement of show business, including movie star memorabilia, autographed photos, collectibles, and souvenirs from popular films and television shows.
The establishment provided guests with an opportunity to purchase unique and exclusive items that were associated with the world of Hollywood and entertainment. It added to the nostalgic atmosphere of Main Street, U.S.A., which is designed to resemble an early 20th-century American town.
At a Glance
- Disney Resort: Disneyland Resort
- Disney Park: Disneyland Park Info News and Attractions
- Park Area: Disneyland Main Street USA
- Attraction Type: Disney Shops, Extinct Disney Attractions
- Year Opened: 1956
- Year Closed: 1959
- Replaced: Original Attraction