“Sounds Dangerous!” was a former attraction located at Disney’s Hollywood Studios (formerly known as Disney-MGM Studios) in Walt Disney World Resort, Florida. It was a live-action show that took place in a theater setting and starred actor Drew Carey.
The attraction opened on April 22, 1999, and featured a unique concept where guests experienced the show in complete darkness. The story revolved around Drew Carey, who played a character named Lucky, as he was recording a sound effects demonstration for a spy film. However, the audio technician accidentally left the sound booth, leaving Lucky to handle the sound effects on his own.
The show used binaural audio technology, where microphones were placed in the performer’s ears to capture realistic sound, creating a 3D audio experience for the audience. Guests wore special headphones to hear the show’s audio, which gave the illusion of sounds coming from different directions and distances.
While the show received some praise for its innovative use of audio technology, it also faced criticism for being less interactive and visually engaging compared to other attractions. Due to mixed reviews and relatively low guest interest, “Sounds Dangerous!” closed on May 18, 2012.
At a Glance
- Disney Resort: Walt Disney World Resort
- Disney Park: Disney’s Hollywood Studios Info News and Attractions
- Park Area: Hollywood Studios Echo Lake
- Attraction Type: Disney Park Show, Extinct Disney Attractions
- Year Opened: 1999
- Year Closed: 2009
- Replaced: One Saturday Morning Sound Show
- Replaced By: Jedi Training Academy Sign-Up/Carbon Freeze Me