Jake’s Never Land Pirate School is an interactive educational app based on the Disney Junior TV show “Jake and the Never Land Pirates.” The app invites young users to join Jake and his crew for a series of pirate-themed classes. These classes include:
- Sailing: Navigate Jake’s ship, Bucky, around obstacles while collecting items and using Bucky’s gadgets.
- Pirate Band: Learn to play different pirate instruments and create music with Bones and Sharky.
- Map & Spyglass: Use the map to navigate Never Land and the spyglass to discover treasures with Cubby and Jake.
- Pixie Dust: Fly through mazes with Izzy and Skully, and trace shapes to scare away Captain Hook.
The app also allows users to create their own pirate avatars by importing photos, and it includes a Pirate School Captain’s Log to track progress and earned badges. Designed for children ages 3 and up, the app provides a mix of fun and educational activities.
At a Glance
- Developer: Disney Interactive Studios
- Year Released: 2012
- Year Shut Down: 2017
- Available On: Mobile