“Strange World” is a film released in 2022, crafted by Walt Disney Animation Studios and presented to audiences by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It’s a computer-animated science-fiction adventure movie that delves into an action-packed comedic narrative1.
The storyline revolves around the adventurous exploits of three generations of the legendary Clade family. This family of explorers embarks on a daring journey, attempting to band together to navigate through an uncharted and perilous land located beneath their world. Throughout their expedition, they encounter a realm filled with fantastical creatures and face various challenges that threaten to undermine their most critical mission to date.
The film was directed by Don Hall, with Roy Conli and Jennifer Lee serving as producers. The screenplay was penned by Qui Nguyen. The star-studded cast includes notable actors such as Jake Gyllenhaal, Dennis Quaid, Jaboukie Young-White, Gabrielle Union, and Lucy Liu, among others, who lent their voices to bring the animated characters to life. The musical score was composed by Henry Jackman, adding a rhythmic dimension to the adventurous escapades unfolding onscreen.
Additional Details
- Movie Studio: Disney
- Official Page
- Year Released: 2022
- Type of Movie: Animated
- Box Office: $73.6 million
- IMDB Link
- Rotten Tomatoes Link
- Jake Gyllenhaal as Searcher Clade
- Dennis Quaid as Jaeger Clade
- Jaboukie Young-White as Ethan Clade
- Gabrielle Union as Meridian Clade
- Lucy Liu as Callisto Mal
- Director: Don Hall
- Producer: Roy Conli
- Music: Henry Jackman
- Screenplay: Qui Nguyen