Series Description:
“Breakfast with Bear” is a live-action television series that aired on Disney Channel’s Playhouse Disney block from March 22, 2005, to February 17, 2006. The show was a spin-off of the popular children’s program “Bear in the Big Blue House.”
In “Breakfast with Bear,” Bear, the lovable bear from “Bear in the Big Blue House,” visits real-life families and joins them for breakfast in their homes. The show follows a reality-style format, where Bear interacts with the children and their families, engaging in playful activities, singing songs, and participating in simple and enjoyable morning routines.
Each episode of “Breakfast with Bear” incorporates a “Bear’s Breakfast Suggestion,” where Bear introduces a healthy and fun breakfast idea for the family to enjoy together.
The show’s aim was to promote family togetherness and the importance of sharing quality time during breakfast. The interactive nature of the series encouraged children to participate and join in on the breakfast-themed activities and songs.
“Breakfast with Bear” maintained the charm and educational aspects of its predecessor, “Bear in the Big Blue House.” The show emphasized social and emotional development, early literacy, and basic life skills, making it suitable for preschool-aged children.
As with other Playhouse Disney shows, “Breakfast with Bear” provided gentle and age-appropriate content for young viewers, encouraging positive family interactions and promoting healthy habits.
The program received positive reviews for its engaging and interactive format, as well as for continuing the legacy of the beloved character, Bear, from “Bear in the Big Blue House.”
Additional Details:
- Bear: Noel MacNeal
- Tutter: Peter Linz
- Pip and Pop: Peter Linz and Tyler Bunch
- Ojo: Vicki Eibner
- Treelo: Tyler Bunch
- Shadow: Peter Linz, Tara Mooney
- Luna the Moon: Peter Linz, Lynne Thigpen
- Ray the Sun: Peter Linz, Geoffrey Holder