“Death and Other Details” is a captivating mystery drama series set aboard a sumptuously restored Mediterranean ocean liner. The story centers around the brilliant and restless Imogene Scott, portrayed by Violett Beane, who finds herself implicated in a locked-room murder mystery. As the prime suspect, Imogene is compelled to collaborate with the man she detests, Rufus Cotesworth—a character played by the renowned Mandy Patinkin, who is depicted as the world’s greatest detective.
The series is a tapestry of intrigue, where every guest shrouded in luxury and each wearied crew member becomes a suspect. Imogene, in a bid to clear her name, must navigate a web of lies and deceit alongside Cotesworth. The show promises to be a thrilling ride that combines the glamour of the global elite with the gritty tension of a whodunit.
“Death and Other Details” is the brainchild of writers and executive producers Mike Weiss and Heidi Cole McAdams, who also double as showrunners. The pilot episode was directed by Marc Webb, who, along with Mark Martin for Black Lamb and David Petrarca, serves as an executive producer. The series is produced by ABC Signature and is now streaming on Hulu. With a cast that also includes Lauren Patten, Rahul Kohli, Angela Zhou, Hugo Diego Garcia, Pardis Saremi, and Linda Emond, viewers can expect a rich narrative full of twists and turns, characteristic of the best mystery dramas.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Hulu
- IMDB Link
- Violett Beane: Imogene Scott
- Sophia Reid-Gantzert: Young Imogene
- Lauren Patten: Anna Collier
- Rahul Kohli: Sunil Bhandari
- Angela Zhou: Teddy Goh
- Hugo Diego Garcia: Jules
- Linda Emond: Agent Hilde Eriksen
- Mandy Patinkin: Rufus Coteworth
- Pardis Saremi: Leila
- Creators: Heidi Cole McAdams and Mike Weiss
- Producers: Shawn Wilt and James Thompson III