Series Description:
“Genius: MLK/X” is a new installment of the Emmy Award-winning anthology series “Genius,” which in this season focuses on the lives and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. The series will delve into the complex relationship between these two pivotal figures of the Civil Rights Movement, exploring their leadership, philosophies, and impact on the struggle for justice and equality in the 1960s.
The series features Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Aaron Pierre as Malcolm X, with Weruche Opia and Jayme Lawson portraying Coretta Scott King and Betty Shabazz, respectively. The narrative is anticipated to be rich and multifaceted, examining both the public and personal lives of these historical icons.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Kelvin Harrison Jr.: Martin Luther King Jr.
- Jalyn Hall: young Martin Luther King Jr.
- Aaron Pierre: Malcolm X
- Weruche Opia: Coretta Scott King
- Jayme Lawson: Betty Shabazz
- Ron Cephas Jones: Elijah Muhammad
- Gary Carr: Clyde X
- Hubert Point-Du Jour: Ralph Abernathy
- Writer: Jeff Stetson