“Black Cake,” now streaming on Hulu, is a gripping narrative that weaves a family drama into a murder mystery. Adapted from the New York Times-bestselling novel by Charmaine Wilkerson, the series takes viewers from the picturesque coasts of Jamaica to the bustling streets of cities across Europe and North America.
The series unfurls the tale of a runaway bride named Covey who vanishes off the coast of Jamaica under mysterious circumstances, sparking rumors of either drowning or fleeing after a supposed murder. The plot catapults into the future where Eleanor Bennett, a widow in her sixties residing in California, succumbs to cancer. In her will, she leaves behind a flash drive containing recordings that unravel her journey from the Caribbean to the United States—a journey laden with secrets that upend her children’s understanding of their family history.
The title of the series refers to a Caribbean dessert, symbolizing the rich blend of cultures within the storyline. The show promises a narrative that explores themes of identity, legacy, and the complex tapestry of family ties.
“Black Cake” is developed by Marissa Jo Cerar with the backing of Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Films and Aaron Kaplan’s Kapital Entertainment. The show promises to be a thrilling watch, filled with twists and emotional revelations.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Hulu
- IMDB Link
- Chipo Chung: Eleanor Bennett
- Mia Isaac: Coventina “Covey” Lyncook
- Adrienne Warren: Benny Bennett
- Ashley Thomas: Byron Bennett
- Lashay Anderson: Bunny Pringle
- Faith Alabi: Pearl Thomas
- Glynn Turman: Charles Mitch
- Ahmed Elhaj: Gibbs Grant
- Creator: Marissa Jo Cerar