“Intertwined” (or “Entrelazados” in Spanish) is a Disney+ original series that originates from Latin America, marking it as the first Disney+ Original Series produced in that region. The show follows the story of Allegra, a young and aspiring singer and dancer who dreams of joining the prestigious Eleven O’Clock musical theater company. Her life takes a magical turn when she discovers a mysterious bracelet that magically transports her back to the year 1994.
In the past, Allegra meets her teenage mother, Caterina, and other relatives, all at critical points in their lives. As she navigates the complexities of the past, Allegra realizes that her actions could alter the present. The series mixes elements of drama, comedy, and musical as Allegra tries to change her destiny by impacting the past, all while figuring out how to return to her own time.
“Intertwined” explores themes of family, destiny, and the pursuit of dreams, utilizing time travel as a unique narrative device to connect characters across different generations within the same family. The series has been praised for its storytelling, performances, and its fresh take on the musical genre.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2021
- Type of Series: Live-Action
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Allegra: Carolina Domenech
- Coco: Elena Roger
- Diego: Benjamin Amadeo
- Caterina: Clara Alonso
- Directors: Leandro Mark and Nicolas Silbert