This groundbreaking collaboration between Walt Disney Animation Studios and the Pan-African entertainment company Kugali Media marks Disney’s first venture into Africanfuturism. Set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria, the series delves into themes of inequality, class divide, and the quest to challenge societal norms.
The narrative centers on Tola, a young heiress from the affluent island, and her best friend Kole, a self-taught tech expert from the mainland. Together, they navigate a world of advanced technology and deep-seated societal issues, uncovering secrets that could reshape their society. The series is brought to life by the voices of Simisola Gbadamosi, Dayo Okeniyi, Femi Branch, Siji Soetan, and Weruche Opia.
“Iwájú” has been praised for its striking animation and compelling storytelling, offering a fresh perspective within the science fiction genre. The series has received critical acclaim, earning nominations for prestigious awards, including the Annie Awards and the Children’s and Family Emmy Awards.