Coming to Disney+ in 2024, “Iwájú” is a groundbreaking computer-animated series that promises to transport viewers into a vibrant, futuristic vision of Lagos, Nigeria. This original series, a novel collaboration between Walt Disney Animation Studios and the Pan-African company Kugali Media, is a historic first for Disney, marking its debut into the world of long-form animation.
Under the creative guidance of Ziki Nelson, the series began as a collection of shorts, evolving into a full-fledged series that paints a colorful canvas of an imagined future. The title “Iwájú,” which translates to “the future” in Yoruba, is a fitting testament to the forward-looking themes the show aims to explore. Set against the backdrop of Lagos—known for its rich cultural tapestry—the narrative delves deep into issues of social class, innocence, and the challenging of societal norms.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2024
- Type of Series: Animated
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- IMDB Link
- Simisola Gbadamosi: Tola
Siji Soetan: Kole
- Creator and Director: Ziki Nelson
- Executive Producer: Jennifer Lee