“Marvel Storyboards” is a documentary series produced by Marvel Entertainment and released on the streaming service Disney+ in July 2020. The series is hosted by Joe Quesada, Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer, and explores the unique connections between Marvel characters, storytelling, and real-life experiences.
In each episode of “Marvel Storyboards,” Joe Quesada sits down with a different guest from various creative fields, including artists, writers, actors, and other individuals in the entertainment industry. The guests share their personal journeys and how their passions and experiences have been influenced by Marvel’s iconic characters and stories.
The series goes beyond the typical interviews by incorporating original artwork, animations, and archival footage to bring the guests’ stories to life visually. This blend of storytelling mediums adds an artistic and imaginative touch to the discussions.
Through “Marvel Storyboards,” viewers get an inside look into the creative processes and inspirations behind some of Marvel’s most celebrated works and the impact the Marvel Universe has had on a wide range of artists and storytellers.
The series provides an opportunity to see how the power of storytelling and artistry can transcend mediums and bring people from different backgrounds together through shared passions and interests.
Additional Details:
- Presentor: Joe Quesada