“The World According to Jeff Goldblum” is a documentary series hosted by actor Jeff Goldblum. The show is part of the National Geographic series and was released on the Disney+ streaming platform in 2019. It is created by Jeff Goldblum himself and produced by National Geographic.
In each episode of the series, Jeff Goldblum explores and investigates various topics and aspects of everyday life, culture, and technology. With his unique and quirky personality, Goldblum brings his natural curiosity and fascination to the screen, making each episode a delightful and entertaining journey of discovery.
The show’s format follows Jeff Goldblum as he immerses himself in different worlds, interacts with experts, meets enthusiasts, and experiences various aspects of the chosen topic. From exploring the world of sneakers and tattoos to diving into the worlds of ice cream and jewelry, Goldblum’s genuine interest and sense of wonder shine through, making the show both educational and amusing.
“The World According to Jeff Goldblum” is known for its engaging storytelling, lighthearted approach, and Goldblum’s witty and inquisitive commentary. The series also incorporates stunning cinematography and high production values, enhancing the viewing experience for audiences.
Jeff Goldblum’s charm and charisma have made the show a hit among viewers of all ages. It has been praised for its fresh take on documentary-style programming and for offering a unique perspective on various aspects of the world we live in.
Additional Details:
- Official Page
- Year of Debut: 2019
- Type of Series: Reality
- TV Channel/Platform: Disney+
- Awards: Nominated Primetime Emmy
- IMDB Link
- Host: Jeff Goldblum
- Executive Producers: Brian Lovett and Jeff Goldblum
Show Trailer:
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