Series Description:
“The Worst of Evil” is a gripping South Korean crime-action series set in the 1990s, available on Disney+. The narrative centers on Park Jun-mo, a dedicated police officer who goes undercover to infiltrate the Gangnam Union, a burgeoning criminal organization at the heart of an illicit drug trade spanning Korea, China, and Japan. Complicating matters, his wife, Yoo Eui-jeong, an elite officer in the Seoul Metropolitan Police’s security division, becomes entangled in the same investigation, unaware of her husband’s covert operation. Adding to the tension, Eui-jeong shares a past with Jung Gi-cheul, the charismatic leader of the Gangnam Union, who was her first love during high school.
The series delves into themes of loyalty, deception, and the personal sacrifices made in the line of duty. Ji Chang-wook delivers a compelling performance as Park Jun-mo, portraying the character’s internal conflict and determination. Wi Ha-joon embodies the enigmatic Jung Gi-cheul, capturing both his ruthless ambition and lingering sentiments. Im Se-mi portrays Yoo Eui-jeong, skillfully navigating her character’s professional integrity and complex personal relationships.
Directed by Han Dong-wook, known for his work on “Man In Love” and “The Unjust,” the series combines intense action sequences with a nuanced exploration of its characters’ intertwined fates.
“The Worst of Evil” offers a compelling narrative that keeps viewers on edge, blending suspense, action, and emotional depth. The series is available for streaming on Disney+ and Hulu.
Additional Details:
- Ji Changwook: Park Joon-mo
- Wi Hajun: Jung Gi-cheol
- Lim Semi: Yoo Eui-jung
- Written by: Jang Min-suk
- Director: Han Dong-wook