“Disney’s World’s Best” is a heartwarming and whimsical adventure comedy movie available on Disney+. It tells the story of Prem Patel, a 12-year-old mathematical genius navigating the challenges of adolescence.
After the death of his father, who was a famous rapper, Prem discovers his father’s legacy and decides to pursue his own career in rap.
The film, released on June 23, 2023, blends elements of adventure, comedy, and musical genres, offering an inspirational tale about following one’s dreams and finding one’s identity.
Additional Details:
- Utkarsh Ambudkar: Suresh
- Kathryn Greenwood: Ms. Sage
- Punam Patel: Priya
- Sathya Sridharan: Coach Ani
- Mike Dara: Leopard Rude Customer
- Tricia Black: Sportscaster #2
- Manny Magnus: Prem
- Noah Lamanna: Naomi
- Sura Uysal: Beatboxer
- Kayla Njeri: Mercedes
- Maya McNair: Amanda
- Dorian Giordano: Gabe
- Max Malas: Jerome
- Director: Roshan Sethi
- Producers: Utkarsh Ambudkar, Thomas Kail, Brad Rohrer andKate Sullivan