Series Description:
“ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series” is an animated musical television series that expands Disney’s “Zombies” franchise. Developed by Aliki Theofilopoulos and Jack Ferraiolo, the show premiered on Disney Channel on June 28, 2024, with subsequent streaming on Disney+.
Set between the events of “Zombies 3” and the upcoming “Zombies 4: Dawn of the Vampires,” the series follows protagonists Zed and Addison as they, along with their friends, relive their senior year at Seabrook High. This opportunity arises thanks to alien technology provided by their friend A-Spen, allowing them to navigate a school year filled with new adventures and challenges.
The series retains the original film cast, with Milo Manheim voicing Zed and Meg Donnelly as Addison. It continues the franchise’s tradition of musical storytelling, featuring a new song in each episode. The show’s animation style offers a fresh perspective on the familiar characters, blending humor and fantasy elements to explore themes of friendship, acceptance, and high school life in a diverse world of humans, zombies, werewolves, and aliens.
Additional Details:
- Addison: Meg Donnelly
- Zed: Milo Manheim
- Bucky: Trevor Tordjman
- Willa: Chandler Kinney
- Eliza: Kylee Russell
- Zoey: Kingston Foster
- Director: Leah Artwick
- Executive Producers: Aliki Theofilopoulos, Jack Ferraiolo, Gary Marsh, David Light, Joseph Raso