“Fun and Fancy Free” is a 1947 Disney animated musical film that features two separate stories, “Bongo” and “Mickey and the Beanstalk.” The title song, “Fun and Fancy Free,” is a cheerful and upbeat tune that plays over the opening credits and sets the tone for the lighthearted and whimsical nature of the film.
The song is performed by the film’s chorus and features lyrics that celebrate the joys of friendship, laughter, and living life to the fullest. The melody is bouncy and catchy, with a simple yet infectious rhythm that invites the audience to join in the fun.
The song was written by Ned Washington and Eliot Daniel, with music by Charles Wolcott, and is one of the few original songs in the film. “Fun and Fancy Free” has become a beloved part of Disney’s musical legacy and continues to be a favorite among fans of classic animated movies.
Listen to Fun and Fancy Free (Song)
Additional Details
- Song Written By: Bennie Benjamin and George David Weiss
- Song Performed By: Cliff Edwards
- Year Released: 1947