“Hail to the Princess Aurora” is a song from the 1959 Disney animated film “Sleeping Beauty“. The song is performed by the fairies Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather as they bestow gifts upon Princess Aurora on her sixteenth birthday.
The lyrics of the song praise Aurora’s beauty, grace, and goodness, with lines like “All of her charms you shall discover, if you’re worthy of such a prize.” The melody is regal and cheerful, with a fanfare-like introduction and a bright and lively tone that reflects the joy and celebration of the occasion.
The song was written by composer George Bruns and lyricist Tom Adair, who also wrote the music and lyrics for other Disney films of the era. “Hail to the Princess Aurora” has become a classic and memorable song from “Sleeping Beauty”, and is often cited as an example of the film’s enchanting and romantic style.