“I Thought I Lost You” is a song from the 2008 Disney animated film “Bolt“. The song is performed by the film’s two main characters, Bolt and his owner Penny, as they reunite after being separated from each other.
In the song, Bolt and Penny express their relief and joy at finding each other again, despite the obstacles they faced along the way. The song is characterized by its upbeat tempo and the lively vocals of its performers, John Travolta and Miley Cyrus.
“I Thought I Lost You” was written by composer John Powell and lyricist Jeffrey Steele. The song was performed by John Travolta, who voices Bolt, and Miley Cyrus, who voices Penny. The song was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song in 2009.
Listen to I Thought I Lost You (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Bolt (Character)
- Song Written By: Miley Cyrus and Jeffrey Steele
- Song Performed By: Miley Cyrus and John Travolta
- Year Released: 2008