“In the Big Blue World” is a song from the 2003 Disney/Pixar animated film “Finding Nemo“. The song is performed by the character Nemo and the other young fish in his class as they embark on a field trip to the ocean and explore its vast and wondrous world.
In the song, Nemo and his classmates sing about their excitement and curiosity for the ocean, and their eagerness to learn and discover its many wonders. The song is characterized by its lively and upbeat melody, its playful and adventurous lyrics, and the energetic and spirited vocals of the young cast.
“In the Big Blue World” was composed by Thomas Newman and written by Andrew Stanton and Bob Peterson, the writers and directors of “Finding Nemo”. The song is notable for its exuberant and joyful themes, as well as its contribution to the overall spirit and tone of the film. The song has since become a fan favorite and a popular choice for sing-alongs and performances, and it remains one of the most memorable and beloved songs from “Finding Nemo”.