“Know Who You Are” is a song from the 2016 Disney animated film “Moana“. The music was composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Mancina, and Opetaia Foa’i, and the lyrics were written by Miranda and Foa’i. In the film, the song is performed by the character Gramma Tala (voiced by Rachel House) during a spiritual moment where Moana learns about her heritage and connection to the ocean.
The lyrics of “Know Who You Are” reflect on the importance of embracing one’s identity and heritage, and the role of ancestors and tradition in shaping one’s life. The song features a combination of English and Tokelauan language and is accompanied by traditional Polynesian music and chanting.
“Know Who You Are” is a pivotal moment in the film as it helps Moana understand her true calling and encourages her to embark on her journey to save her people. The song was praised for its cultural significance and was performed by Rachel House in the film’s soundtrack.