“La Llorona” is a traditional Mexican folk song that was featured in the 2017 Disney-Pixar animated film “Coco“. In the film, the song is sung by the character Mama Coco (voiced by Ana Ofelia Murguía) and by the character of Ernesto de la Cruz (voiced by Benjamin Bratt) during a flashback sequence.
The song is based on the legend of La Llorona, a ghostly figure from Mexican folklore who is said to haunt and weep over the loss of her children. The lyrics of the song tell the story of a woman who is searching for her lost children and wandering the streets at night.
The version of “La Llorona” featured in “Coco” was arranged and produced by Germaine Franco and Adrian Molina, with vocal performances by both Ofelia Murguía and Benjamin Bratt. The song was praised for its emotional impact and cultural significance, and it helped to showcase the rich musical traditions of Mexico in the film.
Listen to La Llorona (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Ernesto de la Cruz (Coco), Imelda Rivera (Coco)
- Song Performed By: Alanna Ubach & Antonio Sol
- Year Released: 2017