“Little April Shower” is a song from the 1942 Disney animated film “Bambi,” which tells the story of a young deer named Bambi and his adventures in the forest. The song was written by Frank Churchill and Larry Morey.
In the film, “Little April Shower” is heard during a sequence where a rain shower comes and Bambi and his animal friends take cover. The song describes the sounds and sensations of the rain, from the gentle patter of the drops to the rush of the wind and thunder. The song’s whimsical, upbeat melody and playful lyrics make it a memorable moment in the film.
“Little April Shower” has since become a classic of the Disney musical repertoire and has been covered by many artists over the years. The song’s charming depiction of the natural world and its playful tone have made it a beloved part of the “Bambi” story.