“Poor Aurora” is a poignant song from Disney’s 1959 animated classic, Sleeping Beauty. The track is performed by the three good fairies—Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather—as they reflect on the misfortunes of Princess Aurora, who has been cursed by the evil fairy Maleficent to die upon pricking her finger on a spinning wheel.
In the song, the fairies express their sorrow and sympathy for Aurora’s plight, highlighting the tragedy of a young life overshadowed by a dark prophecy. The lyrics convey a sense of helplessness and a desire to protect Aurora from her foretold fate. Musically, the composition features a gentle, melancholic melody that underscores the song’s themes of sadness and concern.
“Poor Aurora” serves as a narrative device to deepen the emotional stakes of the story, emphasizing the fairies’ love and dedication to the princess. It also contrasts with the more whimsical and lighthearted songs in the film, providing a moment of solemnity that enhances the overall storytelling.