“Shiny” is a song from the 2016 Disney animated film “Moana“. The song is performed by the character Tamatoa, a giant, glittering crab who is obsessed with all things shiny. In the song, Tamatoa taunts the film’s protagonist, Moana, and her sidekick, Maui, with his wealth of treasures and jewels, boasting about his own superiority and threatening to add them to his collection. The song features a distinctive, upbeat tune with a combination of David Bowie-style rock and David Foster-esque pop ballad, and is known for its catchy chorus and playful lyrics. “Shiny” was written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the composer and lyricist of the musical “Hamilton”, and is performed by Jemaine Clement, a New Zealand actor and musician who is known for his work in the comedy duo Flight of the Conchords.
Listen to Shiny (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Maui (Moana), Moana Waialiki
- Song Written By: Lin-Manuel Miranda
- Song Performed By: Jemaine Clement
- Year Released: 2016