“The Time of Your Life” is a song featured in the Pixar animated film, A Bug’s Life. The song is written by Randy Newman, who also composed the film’s score and other songs. The song appears in the film during a scene in which the grasshopper, Hopper, and his gang take over a local bar and force the ants to perform for them. As the ants perform a musical number, Hopper interrupts and demands that they perform something more “contemporary.” The ants then begin to perform “The Time of Your Life,” a catchy and upbeat song that is meant to keep Hopper entertained. The song is a celebration of life and encourages living in the moment and enjoying the present.
Listen to The Time of Your Life (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Flik (A Bug's Life)
- Song Written By: Randy Newman
- Song Performed By: Randy Newman
- Year Released: 1998