“The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind” is a song from Disney’s 1986 animated film, The Great Mouse Detective. The song is composed by Henry Mancini and lyricist Larry Grossman, and is performed by the film’s villain, Professor Ratigan. The song features a jazzy and sinister melody that reflects Ratigan’s diabolical nature and his desire to be recognized as the world’s greatest criminal mind. The lyrics of the song describe Ratigan’s evil plans to kidnap the queen and to become the ruler of all mousedom. The song also features several humorous moments, including a chorus of rats who enthusiastically sing along with Ratigan, despite their lack of talent. “The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind” is a memorable and entertaining part of The Great Mouse Detective soundtrack and is often cited as one of the best villain songs in Disney history.
Listen to The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Professor Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective)
- Song Written By: Henry Mancini; Larry Grossman and Ellen Fitzhugh
- Song Performed By: Vicent Price
- Year Released: 1986