“When She Loved Me” is a song from the 1999 computer-animated film “Toy Story 2,” produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The song is sung by the character of Jessie, a cowgirl doll who is reflecting on her past and her relationship with her former owner, Emily.
“When She Loved Me” is a melancholy and emotional song that explores the themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. The song’s lyrics suggest that Jessie and Emily had a close and loving relationship, but that their bond was eventually broken as Emily grew older and moved on from her childhood toys.
The song was written by Randy Newman, and its slow and mournful melody helps to capture the film’s themes of nostalgia, regret, and the bittersweet nature of life.
In the film, “When She Loved Me” is played during a montage sequence that shows Jessie’s memories of her time with Emily. The song’s haunting and wistful tone helps to underscore Jessie’s feelings of sadness and loss, as well as the film’s message that even the strongest bonds can be broken over time.
“When She Loved Me” has become a beloved and poignant song among fans of the “Toy Story” franchise, with its haunting melody and heartfelt lyrics inspiring many to reflect on their own experiences of love, loss, and the passage of time.
Listen to When She Loved Me (Song)
Additional Details
- Related Disney Character(s): Jessie (Toy Story), Woody (Toy Story)
- Song Written By: Randy Newman
- Song Performed By: Sarah McLachlan
- Year Released: 1999
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