“Where You Are” is a song from the 2016 Disney animated film “Moana“. The song was written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa’i, and Mark Mancina, and performed by the film’s voice cast, including Auli’i Cravalho, Christopher Jackson, Rachel House, and Nicole Scherzinger.
In the film, “Where You Are” is the opening song, and introduces the audience to the setting of the story, the island of Motunui, and the culture and community of Moana’s people. The song highlights the importance of tradition and the role that family and community play in the lives of the characters.
Musically, “Where You Are” features a blend of Polynesian and Broadway-style influences, with a catchy melody and energetic vocals. The song also incorporates traditional Pacific Islander rhythms and instrumentation, such as the pate (log drum) and the ukulele.
“Where You Are” received positive reviews from critics and was praised for its catchy melody, infectious energy, and cultural authenticity. The song has also been noted for its role in setting the tone and establishing the themes of “Moana”, and is considered one of the standout tracks from the film’s soundtrack.