Mickey Shorts Theater is an attraction located in Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. The theater features a 10-minute 3D animated film titled “Vacation Fun” that showcases Mickey Mouse and his friends as they go on various adventures around the world. The film is a compilation of several episodes from the Mickey Mouse animated series that originally aired on Disney Channel.
In addition to the film, the theater features a lobby area where guests can take photos with Mickey and Minnie Mouse, as well as purchase Mickey Mouse-themed merchandise. The Mickey Shorts Theater is a popular attraction for families and fans of the Mickey Mouse franchise.
At a Glance
- Disney Resort: Walt Disney World Resort
- Disney Park: Disney’s Hollywood Studios Info News and Attractions
- Park Area: Hollywood Studios Echo Lake
- Attraction Type: Disney Park Show
- Official Page
- Year Opened: 2020
- Location on Map